Thursday, March 19, 2009

No Strings Attached... (N.S.A.)

It was a pleasure to see the headlining article in today’s Union edition of the Courier News. I was actually waiting to see if any of my fellow bloggers would comment on the editorial the Assemblyman wrote in yesterday’s Courier regarding the idle chatter from Mapp and the Gang. Interesting enough, no one had a word of commendation, criticism, or counsel.

…Well since no one’s making a peep I’ll just give my 2-mites: As usual, the Assemblyman’s comments are sound and precise. He makes it rather difficult to rebut his arguments, les being accurately labeled as an obtuse political mind. His clarity and concision are accurate in his acknowledgement of Adrian Mapp’s childlike political nagging, in which he tries to pass off as political astuteness. GIVE ME A BREAK! Mapp’s comments, inferences, and expressions regarding the PMUA, as well as the governance of Plainfield is as annoying as a mosquito at a family barbeque.

The press conference Assemblyman Green and Mayor Robinson-Briggs conducted yesterday was exactly what the City needed to hear. In the midst of circulating rumors and misinformation, it is appeasing to read legitimate information regarding the Muhlenberg issue; meaning the 1st-hand knowledge of what has been going on in the negotiation process of securing the diminishing medical resources the campus offers.

The reason, as stated by the Assemblyman and the Mayor, for this roadblock in negotiations is due to the handshake agreement Solaris is attempting to breach. This ardent disrespect of the Plainfield and surrounding medical communities, as well as the efforts of Assemblyman Green and Mayor Robinson-Briggs is unacceptable and extremely spineless. And for Solaris to take it a step further and lay blame on the City for its own inability to produce their end of the bargain, is asinine.

To Steve Weiss, spokesperson for Solaris: I suggest you get more clarity on speaking topics before you go public because the two non-profit organizations’ claims and grievances legally have nothing to do with Plainfield and its handshake agreement. So to imply that the non-profit’s claims directly affect the agreement reached between Solaris and Plainfield is absolutely baseless.

The council members present at the meeting from neighboring communities all agree and ardently support the stances in which the Assemblyman and the Mayor are taking in not accepting this cowardice position Solaris is standing so firmly on.

I too agree with both parties; Solaris should be held responsible and ACCOUNTABLE for the agreement they reached.

Parting Question:

Will the New Democrats throw Adrian Mapp under the bus with his ensuing bravado of political cluelessness, just as they did to Don Davis? People fail to realize that Don Davis was also a New Democrat. My fellow bloggers, get your popcorn, chips, and drinks ready for the political in-fighting that is about to erupt within the New Democrats.


Anonymous said...

very interesting, keep writing. we need to have a credible source like this where your information is BACKED by fact and not gossip

keep sticking it to these tired blog writers in plfld!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both the June primary and November election will be very interesting this year. Already the Republican Party in the State feels that because of the support of the New Democrat/Republicans in Plainfield, they have an opportunity to win both Assembly seats in the 22nd District. Part of their campaign is their attempt of localizing the Muhlenberg issue. They have to realize however that the health issue is a NATIONAL crisis, and the two individuals running as Republicans for the 22nd district, they are huge fans of former President George Bush and his policies.

This is going to be very interesting indeed. First, they have to get past the primary. All of the Republicans who switched to New Democrats now have to make a choice: do they stay New Democrats in order to support Mapp, or do they go back to being Republicans and support Chris Christie who is the strongest of the Republican candidates. The choice they will have to make is this: are they more concerned with trying to control the State or City Hall.

The big question that the Plainfield voters are faced with is this, are they prepared to support two Republicans who have no problem saying that the $100 million we receive as being an Abbott District is a waste? If they are elected, the $100 million Plainfield receives will be lost right off the bat. It is sad to know there will be some in the community who will vote for these two candidates even though this means drastically cutting school funding. The majority of the New Democrats’ children in the city do not attend city schools. The point the parents is missing is that whether or not their children are in the city school system, they are equally responsible in absolving the $100 million loss the city will suffer from losing it.

These are the same Republicans who have dumped on the city of Plainfield when it comes to low-income housing; their answer has always been, “Send them to Plainfield.” When it comes to the homeless, their answer has been, “Give them a voucher and send them to Plainfield.” Now they want to go back to their old ways. Wake up and smell the coffee Plainfield, there is not ONE issue that the Republicans have supported that would have been beneficial to the city of Plainfield. Wake up Plainfield, Councilman Cory Storch and Adrian Mapp are not your friends! Plainfield has come too long of a way for it to be bamboozled by Storch, Mapp, and these Republican candidates.