Monday, September 28, 2009

Bo It's Time To Come Out of The Closet: Who Are You Really & What Do You Stand For??

Bo and Marty have become a big joke. Their whole campaign is Bush-style politics, lie, lie, lie, and the more they lie the dumber they sound. First of all JG has brought thousands and thousands of dollars in grant money in order to make sure that the Plainfield Public Library is given the same support in NJ as other libraries. But Bo and Marty have not done anything at all to help the library other than show up for a photo opp. Bo, Chris, and Marty have shown their true colors in the last month by having their own set of rules that allow them to say anything to anyone, but you can’t say anything back to them.

We’ve been waiting the whole campaign Bo, what have you done to help the 22nd District except go around and make stupid mistakes like this week when an individual made a misquote at a council meeting in regards to a statement JG made. Bo, tried to make a mockery of the Central American Festival by making it sound like the Assemblyman was lying about his involvement with the festival. Well your efforts failed.

As far as the race card is concerned and the gay community:

(1) It was not JG but Marty Marks who did not hire the Mayor from Clark, who is a very qualified Republican, because he was Italian. Now that is racism at its best, but you don’t hear them talk about that. If I’m lying then have the Mayor from Clark send a letter stating that it’s not true. He totally disrespected the man.

(2) My understanding is that when the issue of the gay community getting their rights came up, JG voted and spoke up on their behalf. But Bo’s Republican colleagues in the Assembly voted the same way Bo and Marty would have voted, not to give them their rights.

Therefore, when people in NJ are not given an opportunity to get a good education, when the gay community in NJ is not given an opportunity to have their rights, then it’s clear that you feel the same way as all of the other Republicans in NJ. Out of the 80 seats up for the Assembly this year, the Republican Party cannot find one black Republican in NJ to support as a member of the NJ State Assembly. Hello Bo, are you saying that this is not racism? You want the black community in the 22nd District to support you, but you don't support them. This sounds like a page from Bush’s book.

I am proud of the gay community when they stand up for their rights and they are not ashamed of who they are. However, when I read Bo and Marty’s literature and saw that they were ashamed to mention their affiliation with the Republican Party, it showed me that they are ashamed of whom they are. If we are going to send someone to Trenton we should want someone who can stand up for what he/she believes in. It’s clear that these two individuals have not yet figured that out.


Rob said...

Unfortunately, Jerry is pandering. Jerry continually slips up and makes racial comments about "the whites up on the hill" and the hispanic population in Plainfield. The fact that Jerry stands up and screams his support for the gay community is of no concern to me. Jerry uses people, things and issues to advance himself. I do not proclaim the Bo Vastine is any better or worse. He doesn't have a 20yr proven track record of illogical, unethical and poor representation of the citizens of this district. Like a dinosaur, Jerry's time has passed. His desperate attempt to manipulate the people of this district is merely cause for bile to slowly rise at the thought of his "support". I am gay and I would rather Jerry Green go away than support me or my community. As Jerry has proven time and time again, what he really feels slips out when he least expects it. So, if you think Jerry has any kind words about the gay community when the door closes behind him at night, good luck with that fantasy. And, I remind you, I am no screaming " GO BO " fan, sorry don't know enough about him at all to even pretend to be that way. But, I assure you, continually supporting Jerry Green simply because we know what a pathetic example of a responsible legislature he is, is not an intelligent choice. Maybe even Assistant Mayor Sharon would be better without the puppet strings of Jerry attached. Sadly, we would never know unless he told her to take his position.

Anonymous said...

"I am proud of the gay community when they stand up for their rights and they are not ashamed of who they are."

Can you give an example of when they're ashamed of who they are, since you're apparently NOT proud of them when they're ashamed.

Lip service. So sick of it.