Friday, February 27, 2009

Accuracy in the Solaris 'Agreement' and Splintered Efforts

I just finished reading a post on Dan Damon’s blog, and this time, I really have to be forward, frank, and painfully honest in my deductions on his criteria. Before I do, I just want to ask Dan one question: What on earth were you thinking when you wrote this blog? And, were you thinking objectively or subjectively? (My money’s on the latter)

The information provided in the letter is truthful, the letter is right there on his page. His intention however, was to shame Mayor Briggs and her Administration; an effort that COMPLETELY backfired due to one little word: T-R-U-T-H.

As Mayor Briggs announced, as Assemblyman Green announced, and as Solaris announced, there was an agreement that Solaris would supply the Plainfield Rescue Squad with an ambulance. The letter Dan Damon posted from John McGee, President and CEO of Solaris, testifies in support of Assemblyman Jerry Green’s and Mayor Sharon’s accusations that Solaris has not been seeking honest efforts and intentions in ascertaining additional ambulance services for the City of Plainfield!

Solaris even goes a step further in their letter stating that in order to honor the amendments the City has offered to Solaris, all parties involved in the lawsuit would have to drop the lawsuit. Well call me crazy but that is just like someone walking up to my mother, punching her in the face, and telling my family that in order for them to apologize to my mom, she has to first promise not to complain! (Gosh that letter Solaris wrote and Dan posted almost conjured expletives!)

Let me clear the air for Plainfield, neighboring communities, and the blogging community: the ONLY agreement in the negotiations that neither Solaris, the State, the City of Plainfield, and POP agree on is POP’s wanting a consultant from their organization to be put in charge of monitoring this ordeal for the yearly salary of $100,000. That premise is inconsistent and counterproductive to the preservation of our health and financial resources. The State is offering that service to us for the price of F-R-E-E! And for Adrian Mapp to complain and dog the City of Plainfield saying that the City needs to honor that request of POP, that just goes to show you how uninformed and disconnected he is to our Plainfield community.

With that, I would personally like to thank Mr. Dan Damon for personally, throwing Adrian Mapp, his supporters/support group, his think-tank, his cohorts, the whole nine-yards, the entire crew of New Democrats who support him, under the 18-Wheel Mac-Truck.

Again, thank you.


Anonymous said...

POP has never demanded a "consultant from their organization" to monitor compliance. NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Last week, Councilwoman Annie McWilliams had an opportunity for the first time to see how politics work in NJ. Her, Cory, and Adrian have been fighting the other council members dealing with the issue of the IT Department. Now here’s an issue that the city of Plainfield is losing a fortune of money over because of a lack of communication dealing with today’s technology. The word in City Hall is that they, McWilliams, Storch, and Mapp, don’t have an answer, so she calls an emergency meeting at City Hall and invited the County of Union’s representative to show that the City is wrong in the direction it’s going. BUT, we are told that that is not the case, and that the City is RIGHT! Also, we were told that the City needs a Director in order to have a successful operation.

Two months into the new year, and ALREADY you see the lack of experience. I’m hoping that after she has embarrassed herself and the New Democrats in this ordeal, she will begin to listen to the other council members who are trying to do the right thing by the City with this issue, and back away from Cory Storch and Adrian Mapp who do nothing but COMPLAIN and yield no solutions to the problems this city is facing.

I have attended a couple of council meetings, and I find Ms. McWilliams a bright and intelligent woman, but has a lot to learn regarding the issues this city is facing. One thing she is going to learn very fast however, is that her generation is not interested in how a person sounds or presents arguments, but the SOLUTIONS they bring to the table, the EVIDENCE of wisdom.

TwoSmokinBarrels said...

To Anonymous at 9:38am,

For your information, that organization most certainly was lobbying that stance. My advice to you would be to investigate the matter fully mon ami.

I will not get into a written josting match, but I will continue to accept comments that agree or disagree with my writings.

Drive safely today everyone, this snow is serious and it is only supposed to pick up again going into the evening.

TwoSmokinBarrels said...

pardon, i meant 9:58am Anonymous posting!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:58 was correct. What POP and the Restore Muhlenberg Coalition want is a real independent expert (not someone from POP, and not someone from Solaris either) to provide professional assistance to the Community Advisory Group--instead of oversight by Solaris, something which was included in the Commissioner's July 29 approval of Solaris's application to close Muhlenberg. So far the state has not even done an adequate job of monitoring Solaris' compliance with the state's conditions set forth in their approval of MRMC's closure.

TwoSmokinBarrels said...


Thank you for your attempt to clarify the situation. The point here however is the dirty politics that is trying to go forth under the surface. Let me explain:

POP is asking for a consultant at the price of $100,000 to monitor this ordeal. The current financial climate cannot afford such a burden, key word being burden. Adrian Mapp is trying to use this leverage to harness a political cohort into the position. This is why he is now demanding the City talk to POP at this time. He realizes that this is the only issue the State,Solaris, and the City has in conflict interfering with amended negotiations. Again, his efforts are nothing short of division and selfish ambition.

Again, thank you Dottie for commenting. I've seen you at many civic and political events. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take this time to congratulate some of the bloggers who are finally starting to see through Dan Damon and the way he operates. He’s always been the man behind the scenes working with the New Democrats. It’s time someone pulled the sheet off of him. On the front page of the Courier, I’m reading how the Assemblyman has stood up to Solaris and the games they’ve played with the City, and how all the other surrounding towns have PUBLICLY endorsed what the Assemblyman and the City are doing. I’m anxious to see now what Dan Damon and the Republicans who’ve from day one, in working with Solaris, blamed the Assemblyman and the Mayor for the closing of Muhlenberg.

My understanding is that Mapp’s whole campaign was going to be working with Solaris to blame the Assemblyman and the Mayor for the closure of Muhlenberg. Now that the Pension bill has been passed, taxes will not be raised, people are talking about the great job the City has done with law enforcement, and now with Solaris possibly losing $170 million for the disrespect they’ve shown to the city of Plainfield, the public needs to know what other plans Adrian Mapp has in mind in trying to destroy this city.

I’d like to quote the councilman from Scotch Plains, “I totally support what the Assemblyman is doing for Plainfield.” Wake up Plainfield and recognize we have a leader who stands up and fights for Plainfield.

Adrian and Dan, we are eagerly awaiting your response as to the particulars of what you have done for our Queen City…